Velkommen til Lydhjørnet!

Mitt navn er Robin Bjerke. Jeg er en freelance Studiotekniker og studioprodusent ve Urban Sound Studios i Oslo ( Her skriver jeg ned mine tanker om det å jobbe i et studio, forskjellige mikrofonteknikker og hva jeg mener om dem. Først og fremst vil jeg atdette skal bli et sted man kan ta nytte av om man er glad i lydteknikk og musikkproduksjon. Ingenting er fastsatt, det finns ingen regler. Som Joe Meek sa: If it sounds right, it is right.

My name is Robin Bjerke. I am a freelance studioproducer and engineer based at Urban Sound Studios i Oslo, Norway ( I'll be writing down my thoughts about working in a commercial studio, different studio techniques and other useful tips. Most importantly, I want this to be a resource to you people out there that love sound technology and music production. Nothing is set in stone, there are noe rules. In the words of Joe Meek: If it sounds right, it is right.

søndag 21. februar 2010

Q&A: Any questions?

Hey guys,

So, I have been very busy in studio over the past weeks and haven't had time to write any new posts, mainly because I haven't taken time to come up with a decent topic. So here's what I thought I'd do.

I would like for you to write down any question you find interesting or that you want asnwered in the comment section and I will do my best to answer all the questions I receive. That should keep me busy and you satisfied! xD

Working on some youtube vids as well, so keep an eye out if you want to see Urban Sound Studios and watch me geek on about sound for 10 minutes.

Remember to post those Q's and I'll come up with some A's.

Peace and sonic love,

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