Velkommen til Lydhjørnet!

Mitt navn er Robin Bjerke. Jeg er en freelance Studiotekniker og studioprodusent ve Urban Sound Studios i Oslo ( Her skriver jeg ned mine tanker om det å jobbe i et studio, forskjellige mikrofonteknikker og hva jeg mener om dem. Først og fremst vil jeg atdette skal bli et sted man kan ta nytte av om man er glad i lydteknikk og musikkproduksjon. Ingenting er fastsatt, det finns ingen regler. Som Joe Meek sa: If it sounds right, it is right.

My name is Robin Bjerke. I am a freelance studioproducer and engineer based at Urban Sound Studios i Oslo, Norway ( I'll be writing down my thoughts about working in a commercial studio, different studio techniques and other useful tips. Most importantly, I want this to be a resource to you people out there that love sound technology and music production. Nothing is set in stone, there are noe rules. In the words of Joe Meek: If it sounds right, it is right.

lørdag 5. desember 2009

The importance of monitors

Far too many under estimate the absolute importance of monitoring. Would a specialist in photography use a PC monitor which distorted and changed the color balance of the image? This would lead to decisions being made that would ultimately be different from the ones that would be made in an ideal situation.

The fact is, my friends, that the quality of monitors you use when mixing and indeed recording audio plays a huge part in the final outcome of the track. I know many who think that they can mix effectively with hi-fi speakers. I myself must admit that I was a part of that deluded fraternity. But when I started mixing in a good monitoring environment it was like being able to see for the first time. Details that are unnoticeable on conventilonal speakers became shockingly apparent, and I was forced to rethink alot of my previous work.

The fact is that conventional speakers colour the sound, to make whatever you are listening to as comfortable as possible. Studio monitors aim to do the opposite. In an ideal world a set of studio monitors must have a completely linear frequency curve between 20-20 000Hz because their aim is not to disguise and change the sound to your liking, but to reveal the bitter and eventually unavoidable truth and therefore give you the chance to improve it.

Please, do not do yourselves the injustice of cuting down on monoitor costs. There is nothing that is truly "good enough" and when it comes down to it, save on other aspects of your studio. It doesn not matter how much fancy outboard gear, or how wonderful you microphones and preamps are if you cannot hear enough to make them work. Do not work blindfolded!

Yours truly,

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