A compressor is actually an automatic gain rider, doing the job that sound engineers had to do with fader riding in the studio/stage/broadcasting studio so as to have a good overall level without letting the peaks overdrive the tape machine/cirquitry and recently AD converters. A compressor takes on this job by reducing the gain of a signal whenever the signal passes a threshold level. This means that all the dynamics over the threshold are reduced, therefore reducing the dynamics of the overall track, enabling the engineer to have a louder average signal without clipping (overdriving the cirquitry).

In Use
A compressor is most commonly used to create a balance in a mix without having to automate to much. It can "tighten" up a performance that is uneven because it brings the peaks closer to the "valleys." Getting a controlled vocal track for instance, where there is alot of dynamics, you can pull up the quiter sections without having the loud sections become overpowering.
For percussive instruments a compressor can be very useful. By playing around with the attack and release settings on a compressor you can let the initial attack of the snare (f.eks) pass through, while the gain reduction kicks in and dampens the ring of the drum. This method also works the other way round, by having a short attack time and a short release time the attack of the snare will be attenuated while the ring will be left unaffected. Compressors are good as transient shapers, and if used properly can really help a track become punchy, in your face, or pull it back and move it away from the focus point.
PLay around with them, more info will follow. Meanwhile you can send me a mail to robin.bjerke@gmail.com or post a comment if you have any questions.
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